MasterCard - Priceless Surprises Application Privacy Notice

Effective Date: June 9, 2015

Priceless Surprises® Privacy Notice

MasterCard respects your concerns about privacy. This Privacy Notice applies to the registered users of the Priceless Surprises Application (the “App”), available through your app store. In the context of the Priceless Surprises program (“Priceless Surprises” or “Program”), this Privacy Notice describes how we process personal data, types of personal data we collect in connection with the App, the purposes for which we collect such personal data, the other parties with whom we may share it and the measures we take to protect the security of the data and the choices you can make about our use of the personal data. It also tells you about your rights with respect to your personal data, how you can reach us to update your information or get answers to questions you may have about our privacy practices.

Personal Data We (or Our Service Providers) Collect

In connection with your use of the App, we may collect certain Personal Data such as: name, email address, user name and password. We collect Personal Data about you from the following sources:

  • Personal Data we receive directly from you upon registration, including through social media networks that you elect to register in connection with your use of this App; and
  • To the extent that you are awarded a surprise, we (or our Service Provider) may use your Personal Data to contact you and you will be asked to provide additional Personal Data in order to receive certain surprises, such as: name, address, country, phone and email address

Information We Collect Automatically

If you access our Sites, on your mobile telephone or other mobile device, we also may collect your unique device identifier and mobile device IP address (e.g., MAC/Android address), as well as information about your device’s operating system, mobile carrier, mobile Internet browsers, and other information described in this Policy. When you use the App, we may collect information on actions taken on the application, and dates and times of actions, and other mobile analytics. We use this information to improve our App based on an understanding of factors such as how many users access or use our service, which content and features of our service most interest our visitors, and how our service performs from a technical point of view. We may also collect technical information about your mobile device such as the IP address. This App does not use GPS services or real-time geo-location services; except that we may receive your non-exact geolocation data from your mobile carrier, phone provider (e.g., Apple, Android), browser or to the extent that you have chosen to connect your Twitter account to this App, we may receive your non-exact location information if publish your location in a Tweet on or a per Tweet basis or have enabled location features in your Twitter profile.

We may use third-party web analytics services on the App, such as Adobe Omniture. The analytics providers that administer these services use technologies such as cookies, web server logs and web beacons to help us analyze how visitors use our Sites. The information collected through these means (including IP address) is disclosed to these analytics providers, who use the information to evaluate use of our Sites. To learn more about Cookies and how to opt out, please visit or

How We Use Personal Data We Collect

We may use the personal data we obtain about you to:

  • Create and manage your online account, provide the App services, and to respond to your inquiries;
  • Provide, administer and communicate with you about surprises and promotions (including contests, sweepstakes, programs and other offers);
  • Operate, evaluate and improve our business (including by developing new surprises and features; managing our communications; analyzing our surprises and the App; facilitating the functionality of our websites);
  • Assist us and third parties in the provision of surprises awarded to you via the App;
  • Monitor the use of and improve our interactive assets, including the App;
  • Perform data analyses (including anonymization of personal information) to determine, among other measurements, business performance, number of registrants, channels and App performance;
  • Enforce our Priceless Surprises Terms of Use
  • Comply with applicable legal requirements and industry standards and our policies; and
  • Perform auditing, research and analysis in order to maintain, protect and improve our services

Registration Process for Priceless Surprises: In order to sign up, you must provide us with some of your personal data such as your e-mail address and password. To complete your registration process, you must accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice applicable to Priceless Surprises. In addition to registering for Priceless Surprises, you may consent to receive offers, information and communications about other Priceless offers through the Site. In order to send you these communications or information about Priceless Surprises and other Priceless offers, we use your personal data such as your e-mail address to contact you.

If you choose to login, register, access or otherwise connect to this App, through a social media network such as Facebook or Twitter, we may receive your user ID, user name, and email address (should you choose to provide) associated with the social media network services, as well as any information you make publicly available by using that social media network. We may also receive information you have authorized the social media network to share with us such as your user ID, email address and pages you have “liked”, etc. We do not collect or receive your social media network password.

Social Media: You may elect to "tweet" about what is a Priceless moment to you by using Twitter. When you choose to share information about Priceless Surprises with Twitter, you acknowledge and agree that the information may be viewable by other Twitter users and the public. In connection with Priceless Surprises, we use a social media listening service to listen and report instances where consumers may Tweet about Priceless Surprises events, programs and promotions so that we may award surprises through the registered users App. Social media networks such as Twitter are independent from MasterCard, and do not necessarily share the same policy as MasterCard with regard to the protection of privacy. We recommend that you verify their privacy policies if you decide to use their services. MasterCard cannot be held liable for any of these social media websites' content, use, or privacy practices.

Sweepstakes, Promotions, Contests: We may offer users of this App various features for their information and enjoyment (e.g., sweepstakes, promotions, contests), which we may change from time to time. We may ask you to submit certain personal data (e.g., email, telephone) so we can provide you with these features. For more information about how your data will be processed for these specific features, please refer to the Official Rules and the related privacy policy, if any.

During the registration process, you may choose to receive marketing communications from Priceless Surprises and/or MasterCard via email, text or social media. In order to send you these marketing communications, we use your personal data such as your name, e-mail address, and preferences. You can, at any time and free of charge, choose not to receive any notifications by clicking on the unsubscribe link within the e-mail sent to you, or by e-mailing us using:

Personal Data We Share

We do not sell or otherwise disclose personal data we collect about you, except as described herein or otherwise disclosed to you at the time the data is collected.

We use personal data to award surprises to you and to perform the services requested through the App. We may share aggregated, de-identified and other non-personally identifiable information, insights and trends data based on program performance, like the types of surprises that resonate most with our cardholders and the level of social amplification around particular programs.

We also may share data with our service providers who perform services on our behalf. We do not authorize these service providers to use or disclose such data except as necessary to perform certain services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements. We require these service providers by contract to appropriately safeguard the privacy and security of personal data they process on our behalf.

We also may disclose personal data about you (i) if we are required to do so by law or legal process, (ii) to law enforcement authorities or other government officials, or (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity.

We also reserve the right to transfer personal data we have about you in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use personal data you have provided to us in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Notice. Following such a sale or transfer, you may contact the entity to which we transferred your personal information with any inquiries concerning the processing of that information.

Your Rights And Choices

You may have certain rights under applicable law regarding the personal data we maintain about you. We offer you certain choices about what personal data we collect from you, how we use that information, and how we communicate with you.

You may choose not to provide personal data to MasterCard. However, if you do not provide personal data when requested, you may not be able to benefit from the full functionality of this App and/or we may not be able to provide you with relevant information, products and/or services.

At any time, you can access your account by logging into your account. You can view or change your personal details and manage your marketing preferences through your account. You can at any time tell us not to send you marketing communications by e-mail by clicking on the unsubscribe link within the marketing e-mails you receive from us or by e-mailing us using: We will apply your preferences going forward. You can withdraw any consent you may have given to us.

Where required by law, MasterCard obtains your prior opt-in consent at the time of collection for the processing of (i) personal data for marketing purposes and (ii) personal data deemed sensitive pursuant to applicable law.

Subject to applicable law, you may have the right to request access to and receive information about the personal data we maintain about you, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal data, and have the information blocked or deleted, as appropriate. The right to access personal information may be limited in some circumstances by local law requirements. To update your preferences, ask us to remove your information from our mailing lists, delete your account or submit an access request, please contact us as specified in the “How to Contact Us” section below.

How We Protect Personal Data

We restrict access to personal data about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards that comply with state and federal regulations to protect the personal data we have about you. We also take measures to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information when there is no longer a business need to keep the information. The types of measures we take vary with the type of information, and how it is collected and stored. Unfortunately, no data transmission can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Thus, while we strive to protect your personal data, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any data transmission.

Features and Links to Other Websites

Within the App, you may choose to use certain features for which we partner with social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook, or click on links to other websites for your convenience and information. These features, which may include social networking and geographic location tools, and other websites, may operate independently from MasterCard. They may have their own privacy notices or policies, which we strongly suggest you review. To the extent any features or linked websites you visit are not owned or operated by MasterCard, we are not responsible for the sites’ content, any use of the sites, or the privacy practices of the sites.

Updates to Our Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically and without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our personal information practices. We will post a prominent notice on this App to notify you of any significant changes to our Privacy Notice and indicate at the top of the notice when it was most recently updated. We may also supplement the notice on the website with changes made directly to the Privacy Notice in the App. Your continued use of the App subsequent to any changes to the Privacy Notice (as notified on our website) constitutes your acceptance of the changes. Please review our Privacy Notice on our websites periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes or updates.

How To Contact Us

Subject to applicable law, you may have the right to request access to and receive information about the personal data we maintain about you, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal data, and have the information blocked or deleted, as appropriate. The right to access personal data may be limited in some circumstances by local law requirements. To update your preferences, ask us to remove your data from our mailing list or to submit an access request, please contact us as specified below. You may also contact us by writing to:

Global Privacy & Data Usage Officer
2000 Purchase Street
Purchase, New York 10577

For more information on MasterCard’s privacy practices outside of this App, please refer to our Global Privacy Notice available here